Blue Pioneers Accelerator Program

Accelerating Community-Focused Ocean and Climate Innovation 

We empower innovators and changemakers around the world to tackle global ocean and climate challenges and drive systemic changes through effective local solutions.

Why we care

Our ocean generates the air we breathe, provides the food we eat, and regulates the climate for the earth, but it is at risk. Among all the different approaches to saving our ocean, we focus on the people, specifically the emerging leaders in non-profits and social enterprises. In our program, we call them the Blue Pioneers. We help build the capacity of our Blue Pioneers for complex problem-solving and leading in challenging environments. 

How we do it

The Blue Pioneers Accelerator has three cornerstones: Raw Case Studies, Collaborative Experiments, and Career Growth Coaching upon which a rich program has been developed, including short online learning, in-person classes, field trips, and networking events in California. We share knowledge and experiences with each other, as well as inspiring practitioners and academics from leading organizations in Silicon Valley and Central Coast California.  The global Blue Pioneers network has grown to more than 100 members since 2017.  

Raw Case Study

Raw Case Study takes a form that is distinctly different from those of lecture teaching or traditional case studies. We partner with renowned organizations to incorporate some of their toughest, real-time problems into raw cases and use them for experiential learning of the complex problem solving methodologies. The Blue Pioneer Fellows are expected to develop real-world solutions within a short time and obtain feedback directly from our raw-case sponsors.

Check out our previously developed Raw Cases.

Collaborative Experiment Fund

As the second iteration of real-world problem solving within a short time,  the Blue Pioneer Fellows will have the opportunity to propose, compete, and win a grant to kick off solutions to problems that challenge themselves or their own organizations. The Collaborative Experiment Fund is a dedicated grant fund to serve the Fellows who make sure the most deserving experimental projects will obtain the funding through an innovative peer-selection process. 

Check out our Collaborative Experiment winners and their projects.

What our Blue Pioneers say...

"It does accelerate many things from networking to my personal skills. I wish there would be more programs like BPP Accelerator in the future, and more people can feel what I feel!"

- Retno Ningrum

"Stepping outside of our usual foci for some time was refreshing. We came back to our work afterwards with renewed energy and clarity of vision."

-Timothy Kluckow 

"A truly meaningful learning experience and wonderful engagement opportunity with the other Fellows! Believe me - the COVID-19 pandemic could not beat the great chemistry and amazing ideas"

- Mariska Adeline Sukmajaya 

"The program enables Fellows to rediscover what we can do to create a healthy ocean through system thinking and design thinking. It has increased my capacity and skill development in order to drive change for our ocean."

-Eveline Kurniati 

"Such an excellent program for empowering me to discover the great resources available, enable me to stretch the limits of my talents, inspiring me to solve the wicked problems of marine conservation, and helping me build a true teamwork spirit through working with those beautiful people from the cohorts and faculty."

- Wenting (Michelle) Zhang 

"Awesome experience for me personally. It brings a breath of fresh air and many innovative ideas to me. I got more energy and expanded horizon for saving our oceans from this program."

-Zhengguang (Luka) Zhu

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